Add user to telegram channel [ more than 200 people ]

Add user to telegram channel

[more than 200 people]

Given the growth of the telegram channels and the use of most businesses for this feature, which is included in the free telegram messenger for free, we have continued to share how to add members to the channel to our regular Cibu affiliates.

How to add a member to the public telegram channel

How to add a member to the public telegram channel
After creating a channel and using Public mode, you can add up to 200 members to your channel using the following steps :

1 : Enter your channel
2 : Click on its name to enter the profile
3 : Select the Members option
4 : Then select the Add member option
5 : Select the desired contact

After the above steps, contacts will be added to the channel, but this will allow you to report your account. To add more than 200 memes you must share your channel link with your friends to join the channel or purchase telegram accelerator services using the link below : Telegram Booster Services

How to add a member to a private telegram channel

After creating a channel and using Private Mode, you can add up to 200 members to your channel using the following steps:

1 : Select your channel
2 : Tap the channel name to enter the channel profile
3 : Hit the Members option
4 : Then select the Add member option
5 : Select the desired contact

Following the steps above, contacts will be added to the channel, but this will allow you to report your account. To add more than 200 members you must share your channel link with your friends to join the channel.