Which countries have the most use of telegram?

Which countries have the most use of telegram?

In which countries do the most and least telegram users live

Is telegram popular in just a few countries or is it popular in other countries? In which countries are Telegram the most and the least users?

A research institute has just released a report that shows in which countries the highest and lowest users of telegrams live, meaning in which countries the telegrams are most popular.

Among the most popular and popular apps used by users worldwide are Watts App and Facebook Messenger. In the last few years, these two messaging apps have been more prominent than other messengers. But in the meantime, another messenger has gained popularity among users around the world because of its unique features and features. This is the telegram messenger that has been welcomed by users in many countries over the years.

Telegram is supported by Pavel and Nikolai Dorov, two Russian brothers. Powell is responsible for the ideological and financial support of Nikolai, who heads the technology division at Telegram. Nikolai works on open, secure, and optimized protocols across multiple data centers, making Telegram very fast and secure. While the founders of the program are Russian, their headquarters are in Berlin, Germany.

Reports from Apopia Research Institute show that the number of telegram messaging app users grew by 118 percent in 2017. This growth rate is really impressive compared to other messengers.

In which countries are Telegram the most and the least users?

According to statistics released by experts at the institute, it is clear in which countries the highest and lowest telegram users are present. Telegram users in countries such as the United States of America, India, Brazil, Italy, Venezuela, Nigeria, Kenya, Russia and Ukraine are much more than other countries in the world, and the message has been welcomed in these countries. According to the statistics, telegram messaging was least popular in countries such as Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and New Zealand and could not be as popular as other countries.

Superior to Telegram over other messaging apps

One of the most important features of telegram messaging that has made it more popular among other similar apps is the ability to create a channel with the capacity of millions of users and members. The telegram, of course, has other features that make it different from other messaging apps.