Content Production in Telegram

Content production in Telegram

The most important Telegram training

Let’s start this chapter with a story definition of Sherpa, What do we learn from Sherpa’s story?

The Sherpa are a group of Nepalese people who have conquered Mount Everest many times. Today, climbers who plan to conquer Mount Everest travel this route with the help of Sherpa. In fact, the Sherpa, while carrying the equipment of these climbers, are the guide for these people so that with the least damage and confusion, they can choose the best path to reach the peak to reach the peak.

The most important thing in this story is that the Sherpa play their role as a hidden guide and advisor. As the climber eventually feels, he has conquered the peak alone.

From this story, we learn that communicating and providing services to the audience must be done with advice and support in order to be effective.

Produce good content

Content artists can also serve as guides and advisors to the audience. Good content, along with the audience’s needs, accompanies them, and the content creator uses the power of the words and their correct combination to make the audience find what they need between the words.

The audience’s mind is the best place to focus and make a strong connection. If you’re going to be a mentor and advisor to the audience, all you need to do is focus on getting to the point where you approach the audience and feed it with rich content.

To do this, you need to speak the language of the audience and instead of focusing on your capabilities, pay attention to the needs of the audience and the response you give them.

Produce good content
Produce good content

You need to be able to make your audience see themselves using your product, says Kevin Hogan. Only then will you win, The audience’s mental path is shaped by the content that is presented to them. The art of presenting content is to engage the audience’s feelings so that they are able to find logical reasons to accompany, at least in their minds.

What questions need to be answered to start working?

Setting up a telegram channel and providing content on its platform should be a way to make what you have in mind easily available to the audience. To achieve this, you need to have a clear mindset about the various dimensions of work.

To achieve this, take a few minutes before reading the next lines and write down the answers to these questions:

1- What is your goal in setting up a telegram channel?

Want to strengthen your personal brand?

Are you planning to start a business and make money?

Do you look at it as a way to fill your time and have fun?

Want to stay out of the competitive market and experience it to compete with your competitors?

Need some space to promote your products?

What exactly does a successful channel meet your expectations?
You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

Who do you want to be your audience?
Have you ever wondered what your target market is? What features should your channel audience have to bring you closer to your goals?

What value do you intend to give to the audience by using this platform?
The most important part of your activity should be focusing on the value you create for the audience. You are only one click away from being selected or left out.
The biggest asset of a good telegram channel is the special value it provides to the audience, thereby shortening the path to its goal as much as possible.
Therefore, you should try to provide a unique value to the audience. The value that accompanies you will be of great benefit to him.

What is the current shortage of competitors and what plans do you have to make up for it?
If you’re going to offer the same content that everyone has access to on different social networks, it doesn’t make sense to expect the work to be productive. One of the reasons for the success of any business is that it recognizes the gaps in the market and provides a platform to address them in order to introduce its services.

And finally, you need to be able to answer this key question from Robert Collin:

Now that you’ve caught the reader’s attention, what do you want to do with that attention?

What is the content production process?

Contrary to popular belief, the foundation for building a successful channel is simple. If you produce good content so that it can be shared, your audience will recommend it to others, and you will engage in an interaction and attract more people.

You need to work tirelessly to produce the content that people like.

In Telegram, only the best content has a chance to share again. Good content can be the best advertisement for your channel and have the greatest impact on the audience’s mind to build trust.

As we can see, the number of Telegram channels is increasing day by day. Users have the freedom to choose and choose the best option from all available channels. Thus, only channels have the chance to be seen to provide useful and valuable content.

What is the content production process?
What is the content production process?

What points enrich the content?

As mentioned earlier, our goal is to set up a telegram channel that has an active business at its heart and its main focus is on producing quality content. In fact, using content production can enrich your current business or start a business from scratch.

Another concept that has been considered throughout this post is the conversion rate. We know that the number of members of the Telegram channel or the number of visits to the posts cannot be a good criterion for judging productivity and effectiveness.

The conversion rate means how many members of the Telegram channel are willing to accompany you if you need any action from the audience (such as buying a product or sharing content). In other words, how many potential members of the channel become actual customers?

A channel with 100 visitors may have a higher conversion rate than a channel with millions of visitors.

So we conclude that the qualitative development of the Telegram channel is far more important than its quantitative development.

To achieve this, you need to consider a few important points as a content producer:

Focus on producing quality content

One of the things that makes that distinction cheaper and easier is the presentation of valuable content. The same thing is often seen on social media and various channels. Today’s knowledgeable audience understands the difference between copied and duplicate content and content that is spent for that purpose and produced for the intended purpose. In order to produce useful and valuable content, it is necessary for the creator of the content to use his best resources and present them artistically.

In the next chapter, we’ll talk more about how to produce quality content.

Connect mentally with the audience

It’s best to use a self-explanatory approach when writing. Put yourself in the place of the reader and try to anticipate and publish the questions that come up for him or the things he likes.

Think about all the reasons why the audience may leave you and turn to your competitor. Talk to your audience mentally and respond to their needs and wants.

You can ask such questions in your mind and try to get your message answered well:

By reading this post, what is forming in the audience’s mind?

Which part does the reader probably delete?

What kind of content does it ignore and skip?

What kind of content does it have a strong connection with?

Is there anything valuable in this post that will appeal to the audience?

Share personal content obsessively

Each message sends a frequency to the audience. Be careful not to tire them out by posting things that are important to you and not appealing to others. Control your excitement by telling all the news and giving it to the users at the right time.

To use personal photos, make sure that these types of photos may not be as appealing to your audience as they are attractive to you. The message that personal photos give to the audience is, “Let’s all come together to pay attention to my great achievements.”

It’s a good idea for your audience to feel comfortable with your channel posts, but be careful not to let too many images get in the way.

The audience will get in touch with you when they finally say, “This channel is great. “I use his material and I have been able to apply it in my life.”

Share personal content obsessively
Share personal content obsessively

Combine content production with your interests

If content creation in Telegram is going to become your business and take a lot of your time, you have to do it the way you want. You need to measure your abilities and take action in areas where you are able to produce content.

Which way do you like it the most? Which type of content production do you connect with the most?

Audio podcast
Write text and quote
Visual content such as photos or infographics

Depending on your interests, you can use a variety of content. When you focus on content that is produced with a better feeling, it will certainly produce more interesting results and a more serious relationship with the audience.

Learn the basics of writing correctly

“An obsessive writer must be able to answer four questions in every sentence she writes,” says George Orwell.

Always write more than you publish. This means that if you are going to write a text of a hundred effective words, it is better to write a thousand words and extract those 100 words from the multitude of different associations and ideas that have come to your mind.

Writing skills are skills that can differentiate you as a professional Telegram channel manager. Texts are very important in Telegram, and power is in the hands of someone who is proficient in the depth and capacity of the words.

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Tell a story to your channel

People love to hear the story and if they see it in your workspace, they will quickly be attracted to your work.

Depending on your work environment and activities, you can use stories to create channel posts and use them to enrich the audience’s intellectual space emotionally.

In addition, when the user first looks at your channel space, they should be able to relate to the story of your activity in a matter of seconds. The more tangible this story is to you, the easier it is for you to present it to your audience.

Always have a novel or collection of stories by your side and let the story flow like blood in your veins. You create a deep and emotional connection with your audience with your unique stories.

Be active and generate lots of posts

One of the best ways to understand an audience’s mindset and to create a space for them to share content is to work more coherently.

As long as you share good content, the audience will accept it and accompany you. In fact, the audience’s preference is to see and use better and more content.

“Don’t worry about too much published content,” says Guy Kawasaki of high-volume content sharing. If you don’t offend anyone on social media, you haven’t really used this aggressive media enough. An audience that communicates with you seriously will not only be annoyed by the sheer amount of content, but will use it more and be more with you.

Be active and generate lots of posts
Be active and generate lots of posts

Strengthen your entrepreneurial qualities

To succeed in this path, you must cultivate the qualities of a successful entrepreneur.

A professional content producer must be a thinker and an artist at the same time.

Be as innovative as possible in writing.

Be serious about doing things in different stages of the job.

Be attractive, bold, and try to give your audience what interests you, even if it’s unusual or in some cases far from the audience’s mental space.

Write responsibly and responsibly. Strengthen your production muscles every day. To succeed in this way, you need to open the door to your subconscious and combine it with perseverance.

Publish short and interesting posts

Most audiences in the telegram space communicate more strongly with short content. If you want your content to be more visible and more in tune with the available space, go for more concise and engaging content production as much as possible. You have to be short and to the point, because this kind of writing is a kind of respect for the audience in the Telegram space.

Even though people spend a lot of time in cyberspace, they decide in seconds. You are one click away from being selected or left out.

Practice simplification

One of the important principles that makes the channel space more pleasant and lovable is simplification.

Simple design in your profile and username creates a good feeling for the audience.

Choosing a simple name for the channel, in addition to the apparent beauty, makes it easier for the audience to remember.

Make it easy for you to write and choose simple titles to produce a variety of posts and Content that is simple while deep invites the audience to come along.

Applied recommendations for producing content in Telegram

In order for the activity in Telegram space to have sufficient standards and on the other hand, the richness of the content motivates the audience and makes them an active propagandist, it is necessary to be bound by a series of basic principles in content production. In this section, we will mention the most important ones.

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Gain experience

To experience good company engagement with visitors, your skills and resources need to intersect at some point with the needs of the audience. You need experience and time to figure out the exact coordinates of this point.

It is necessary to generate content for a while and put it in the channel and measure the feedback.

What content is shared the most, what kind of content is published, how many people leave the channel, what direct feedback you get from the audience, and what their main concerns are.

Understanding the answer to all these questions can only be achieved through practice and experience.

Build intimacy

The best kind of content is those that are able to connect with the audience. In this type of post, the fingerprint of the creator of the content is identified as the person who has complete control over the subject.

To build intimacy, you need to speak to him in the language of the audience. Be comfortable expressing your thoughts and feelings. Bring your writing type closer to the audience’s words. Instead of using specialized words, try to use more sentences and phrases that are more tangible to him.

Posts that are devoid of intimacy give the audience the feeling that they are reading the writings of a robot.

Observing this key point will allow you to see good growth in the Telegram channel in a short period of time.

Create a content group

Find the top three content in your field. Three types of content that are very attractive to users and easy to share. Then try to focus on new sources and richer content.

To do this, you can search for keywords on the Internet. You can check people’s opinions on a single topic. Observe common questions and concerns of the day and make a list of them.

Then consider whether there is a space to meet these needs. In this way, evaluate the opportunity and decide to respond to the existing gaps in the best possible way by identifying existing ones.

Get ideas from your competitors

If something is of interest to many people, there is nothing wrong with polishing it and presenting it to your audience in a more distinctive way.

Focus on the value you create.

The launch of the Telegram channel and the business that follows will be based more than anything on the values created for the people. Any content that creates value for the audience actually meets one of their needs and can be considered an invitation to collaborate.

Expand cooperation

You can get help from influential people in shaping your work environment. Participate and comment on the site, blog, and other platforms they provide. Try to help them as much as possible to advance their work and finally help them to accompany and introduce you to their audience. In order for your content to be shared, you must first share the content of others.

Back up

If you have a website that is related to the space of your Telegram channel, you can use this space to advertise your channel, and of course you can go through the opposite of this process. In this way, introduce your site in the channel and direct the audience there to read longer or more specialized content.

So far, you’ve learned the basics. In the next chapter, we’ll talk about producing quality content features. Content that can set you apart from others and help you create a new business.

We now turn to these important questions about the characteristics of quality content

What are the features of quality content?

We can examine the production of quality content through these three steps:

Three-step process in publishing quality content:

  • Produce valuable content
  • Communicate with the audience
  • Content sharing and republishing
What are the features of quality content?
What are the features of quality content?

First, it is necessary to attract the reader’s attention with unique and valuable content. Without having to use persuasive techniques to persuade the audience to communicate.

This kind of content creates enough enthusiasm to accompany you and attracts the most audience with the least amount of energy.

With the value you create for the audience, you gain their trust, and eventually they are willing to share your message as a companion.

To achieve this, we go step by step to get acquainted with how to produce quality content and to be able to easily implement it in practice.

What are the features of quality content?

In this part of the book, we look at the most important features that a content needs to have in order to be considered quality and valuable.

To attract attention

Your audience has different personality traits and certainly does not have the same reaction to the content produced. Therefore, it is not enough to draw attention to the audience in only one way.

Some people have a stronger emotional dimension, and messages that contain emotional issues can attract more attention. For example, messages that use images such as family, nature, or animals.

For others whose logical personality traits are stronger, posts that are made in the form of visual charts, statistics, analysis of a particular topic, or various questions can be considered.

Build trust

Building trust online is hard work. The audience will only trust if they deeply believe in and communicate the content provided.

If you follow the principles and rules of cyberspace, you can build more trust. One of the most important things you can do is be trustworthy to others.

If you want to share content from other channels, be sure to do so by citing the source. To communicate, be obsessive about finding resources and be very clear.

If your work environment allows, you can link your channel to a popular brand or brand and earn credit through them.

Create passion

To arouse the audience’s enthusiasm, the main focus of your activity on the Telegram channel should be on products and services, or whether individual and human dimensions should be more prominent.

If your focus is on products, the characteristics of the product can be a source of enthusiasm for the audience, such as quality, efficiency, scarcity, durability, simplicity and usability.

If you work in the field of service, you can focus on being useful, new and unique, and reliable.

For other spaces that are more audience-oriented, the main needs of the audience must be addressed. What kind of content do people like to see or hear, and what do they need to understand?

Fix the need

No message can be interesting or useful to all audiences. Because the needs of the audience are different and at different levels. Of course, it is possible to consider the dominant view of the audience and, accordingly, to produce more appropriate content.

To find out, you can ask the following questions:

Does it help meet the initial needs of the audience?

Does the feeling of self strengthen and flourish in him?

Is it able to engage him emotionally and meet his communication needs?

Will it be a way to address his security concerns?

Once you’ve identified what type of audience you need to address, you’re closer to producing quality content and finding your own style.

What are the ways to produce quality content?

To answer this question, we must consider the type of activity and the type of content produced.

Depending on the product or service that is to be provided on your channel, you can use different methods.

Here are three key ways to generate content:

1- Production of content based on specialized studies and personal knowledge
2- Produce content by collecting and presenting existing data
3- Content production using analysis and reporting

Production of content based on specialized studies and personal knowledge

Content can be generated based on the output of a person’s studies. So that the final conclusion of the studies is published in the form of a message in Telegram and a problem is examined from a single point of view.

This type of content can be appealing to the viewer because it is genuine and non-copying, provided that new content is quoted and issues that have not existed before are addressed.

Another advantage of this type of post is that it creates an identity for the channel space. Members can get acquainted with and communicate with the comments and views of the channel management on a particular topic.

As an example, consider an educational telegram channel that wants to produce this type of content. A content producer can choose the title of a book and publish his or her personal opinion on the subject of the book in relation to the studies he or she has read, such as someone who writes a post for his blog and examines various topics from his point of view.

Summaries are one of the most important things to keep in mind when writing these types of texts. If an audio podcast or video is to be produced, it is best to focus only on the main issues and be as short and concise as possible.

Generate content by collecting and presenting existing data

Not all posts for the Telegram channel need to be personal and professional. Collecting existing data, categorizing it, and selecting specific concepts that align with the channel’s goals can also be compelling content.

This type of content, in turn, can be a form of personal content production by being selected by the channel manager. It should only be noted that in a professional work, if the content is selected from somewhere and is to be published exactly, the main source is introduced. Unless the content creator wants to add something to it and complete it according to his own personal point of view.

Consider a coffee shop as an example of a telegram channel. In this channel, in addition to publishing content for advertising, you can use music, videos or files related to this activity that are attractive to the audience and make them feel good.

Content production using analysis and reporting

Analysis and statistics of available data is one of the things that are very attractive to people. This type of content, in addition to stimulating their curiosity, provides them with classified and coherent information.

You can use the reporting method to convey the latest news messages related to your industry or to report your personal or professional activities.

As an example, in a news telegram channel, audiences like to see new analysis and opinions about the recent incident. For this purpose, both previous methods can be used to provide this content. You can collect data from news sites and make it available to the audience in a categorized manner, or you can publish personal comments and views in the form of audio or text files.

Now that you are familiar with the types of content production methods, it is better to state the principles and rules that need to be applied to these products in order to produce quality content and a good audience.

The type of posts that are published on the Telegram channel, the combination of them, the way they are presented and the sex they have are somehow intertwined with the art of the content provider.

Although it often takes a lot of time to produce quality posts, it doesn’t have a good output and ultimately can’t get a lot of positive feedback from channel members.

This problem can be due to non-compliance with the rules governing content production. Paying attention to some small points can make a big difference in audience feedback.

Each Telegram channel, according to the type of activity and industry in which it is located, the products it offers and its specific target market, follows certain principles and rules. It is not possible to have a fixed line for all types of content and activities.

But experience shows that some principles govern all activities and businesses in the Telegram space. Failure to do so can greatly reduce audience satisfaction and challenge channel activity.

In this section, we describe the most common mistakes in producing different messages.

What are the common mistakes in content production?

Production of personal and company-based content instead of audience-oriented content

Regardless of the main purpose of setting up the Telegram channel, content is generated for the audience in order to attract their attention. If you focus on personal tastes to choose posts and how to publish them, you can’t have much hope of building a strong and cohesive relationship with the audience.

To produce quality content, one of the posts must be tailored to the needs of the visitors. The production of such posts is done with sufficient knowledge of the audience and awareness of their needs.

You need to know the target community so well that you can produce relevant and relevant content. Such content can build trust and greatly stimulate the reader’s enthusiasm.

For example, consider a telegram channel that is active in introducing and selling home products. Here are two ways to write a product ad on this channel:

Writing a Telegram post with a personal opinion and a company-oriented company: This product has a simple function, has a 3-year warranty and is offered at an incredible price.

Writing a telegram post with an audience-oriented perspective: Even if you’re a beginner, you won’t have any trouble using this product. Don’t worry about the short life of the product and the cost of buying it. 3 years warranty and special discount for the product is an opportunity that we give you to buy more easily.

Did you notice the difference between the two? In the audience-centered structure, the audience’s needs and wants are at the center of your attention and take the form of the message out of the dry and formal state.

Instead, it stimulates the audience. In this type of message, the audience can see the need and communicate with it.

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Focus on the quantity of content instead of producing quality content

As we mentioned earlier, the number of members of the Telegram channel, the number of audiences and the number of visits to the posts are important, but not the first priority. The same attitude should be observed in content production. Your main focus should be on producing quality content so that insisting on more produced posts does not neglect their quality.

To experience the best engagement with your audience, you need to focus on quality. This is a simple and big secret that many activists in this field are unaware of and cannot understand its depth.

Creating valuable and thought-provoking content is more beneficial than producing multiple low-quality content. There are people who have gained a lot of credibility by publishing only a few influential posts in cyberspace.

Most of your investment should be spent on publishing quality content. Every post that is published is an opportunity given to you so that you can get the attention of a number of people.

So you need to be careful enough to publish all the files you want and the time you write and use the most professional way possible. This post can attract many audiences.

Generalization instead of producing specific content

Contrary to popular belief, it is not difficult to differentiate between Telegram space. Copies, regular chats, repetitive messages, and creative content are all things that can be seen in the telegram space.

This gives you a good opportunity to take a more straightforward and smoother path. By producing unique and exclusive content for the reader, you can get the difference cheaply.

Private content refers to messages that the audience says to themselves after reading: “It’s as if this post was written for me,” or “That’s exactly what I wanted,” or “I’ve been looking for such a solution for a long time.”

When the audience is able to find what they need in the content, they will have a serious relationship with it. In writing such posts, it is better to focus on the general needs of the audience and to avoid repeating the words of others as much as possible.

Generalization instead of producing specific content
Generalization instead of producing specific content

Content is limited and completely relevant

For all the activists in the Telegram space, there is a misconception that they should only publish content that is completely relevant to their work environment. In this way, they reduce the volume of content produced to express specific topics as much as possible.

This is tedious and unattractive for the audience. It is necessary to share content from time to time to change the space of the channel, which, while being attractive, motivates the audience to continue.

As an example, if the Telegram channel is active in the field of clothing sales, it can occasionally publish information on how to dress and match different clothes, color combinations, or the latest news related to the industry.

Of course, there is a lot of feedback from such activities. You will not be able to test the effectiveness of such posts until you have experimentally published such posts. But it can be predicted that by publishing content that is completely limited to a specialized topic or promoting a particular product, the audience will soon get bored and leave you.

Telegram channel space is not visually appealing

According to a study by Sky Word, on average, articles that are visually beautiful and contain photos, infographics, and designed structure are 94 percent more likely to be viewed than non-photo articles.

This is more likely to be the case in the telegram space, as audiences typically visit the telegram at various times during the day and at intervals between work and leisure time.

The more visually appealing the channel to the audience, the more likely it is to follow.

Given the importance of this as much as possible, it is necessary to design professionally. If you do not have the necessary knowledge and expertise in this field, it is better to leave this activity to a designer or at least consult with people who specialize in this field.

Now that you’re familiar with the most common content production errors, it’s a good idea to take steps to get a lot of attention in a short period of time. I will compile these measures in the form of some recommendations for you and provide them to you.

What are the recommendations for producing quality content?

Just great content is not enough, you have to produce much better content than competitors

There is no predetermined strategy. The recipient of the content should prefer you over others and be willing to share your content with his or her friends.

One of the best ways to measure the quality of content on a Telegram channel is to compare it to the content produced by others. This is what audiences do when they want to decide whether to join a channel.

People don’t think about good content. They can only compare the content of a telegram channel with other existing content and comment on whether it is useful, attractive or traceable.

Turn to story content

As mentioned earlier, storytelling is one of the best ways to connect with your audience. Fictional content can communicate closely with the audience and give the formal and dry space a different color and smell. At the same time, the stories are more reminiscent of the audience, and the message conveyed in them seems more tangible and real. If the type of activity allows, one can use successive posts that tell the story of the work activity.

Create as much fun content as possible

Seriousness in doing work should not be reflected in the production of content and make it feel dry and devoid of emotion. Because the Telegram audience prefers to spend time in an intimate environment. Even if he pursues a channel for the purpose of teaching and learning, he still prefers not to be monotonous and creative in presenting content.

For example, if a telegram channel is working on teaching photography principles and techniques, it is necessary to occasionally post new photos between educational content, write about the history of photography, or name some of the world’s great photographers.

Of course, the type of reaction the audience has to publishing different content is certainly not predictable. As long as the number of visitors is not large, you can use trial and error and measure their behavior. Depending on the behavior of the audience, different and varied posts can be used and the attractiveness of the channel can be increased.

Take the lead in producing hot, first-hand content and exploding

If you work more focused, you will find that there is always enough time and space to deliver useful and valuable content. All you need to do is find out what one of the unanswered needs is and try to come up with something out of the ordinary. This will allow you to attract many people in a short period of time.

Take the initiative to publish new material, and if you come up with something out of the ordinary, then they have to re-think their position. Get lots of valuable posts and make them available to your audience. Audiences take the lead in sharing such useful content and provide it to their friends and acquaintances in a short time.

Make a checklist to evaluate the quality of your content

It’s a good idea to get a checklist and categorize the most important things that can affect the production of effective content.

One of the best tools for measuring and evaluating the quality of content is the questions that the content producer must ask before publishing the content.

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Here is an example of this checklist:

Does it meet the needs of the audience properly?

Does it create special value for the audience?

Is it shared and can it be offered to others?

Is adequate fun, informative, and informative?

This attractive enough?

Write the title of each post carefully and patiently

Sometimes the only opportunity to attract an audience is a stunning title that is created for a telegram post. The most important part of any message is the title we consider. This title acts as an advertiser and should be able to convey your main purpose in a few short words.

“The number of people who read the title of the article is five times that of the whole text,” says David Aguilar. Also, out of every 10 people who see the title of the post, only 2 read the entire text.

In a telegram space where content should be produced in less volume, the importance of the title is greater. Today’s hasty audience sees only titles and decides in a very short time whether the content is useful to them or not.

Those who care about telegram posts as a good writer try to include the audience’s mental concerns in the title so that the audience’s mind is more involved.

The question that arises in this section is:

What are the characteristics of a good title?

By considering the most important features of a good title, you can double the impact of your message and give you a better chance of being seen and re-sharing content.

In this section, we discuss the most important features of a good title. An interesting title:

It is encouraging

Published content should arouse enthusiasm so that the audience cannot easily ignore it. Persuasive content focuses on the needs of the audience, expresses something new, and is fun and engaging. It may even be repetitive, but if it is expressed creatively, it can excite the audience.

It clearly contradicts the reader’s usual principles and mental model

If a title is written with this theme, care should be taken to connect it to a reliable source as much as possible to gain credibility from there. These types of headlines, as much as they are persuasive, lead to a wave of future opposition if they are not articulated.

Titles like this can engage the reader’s mind and arouse curiosity in him. Here are some examples of these topics on the Telegram channel, which deals with the development of individual skills:

Why do we need more sleep to succeed? How can we get the best results from distraction? Why is selfishness useful? Why does continuing to study and go to university kill creativity? What are the positive effects of laziness?

There is a promise in it

In introducing the product or service that is being offered, it is best to consider a guarantee for the quality of the work so that the audience can trust more easily and be able to act faster.

Consider a telegram channel that is active in education and sells tickets to attend the seminar. In order to provide a guarantee, it can state in the title of the advertisement that “if you are not satisfied with the seminar, you will be refunded.” In this way, the audience develops the belief that a good seminar will probably be held, while if there is any doubt about the choice, it will be largely eliminated.

There is a promise in it
There is a promise in it

Creates urgency

By reading these types of headlines, the audience should feel that if they do not take action, they will miss out on a great opportunity. If the content includes an early and valuable promise, it can create a strong knot with the audience’s needs, and the mental conflict that has been created can greatly motivate them to take action.

Have a new message

The reader will be amazed to hear and see new and exciting events. The newer the transmitted message, the more likely it is to be republished and re-shared.

What are the standards of a quality telegram channel?

We begin this section with a definition of social media.

The term social media was first coined in 1954 by John Barnes. He used the term to describe the relationship between humans and the analysis of their communication mechanisms. In fact, social networks are a structure of related groups between which there is a flow of information and communication. With this definition, the antiquity of social networks should be considered from the beginning of human presence on earth.

Over time, social networks have become more widespread and governed by rules.

Useful functional standards and principles that can be used to achieve great results in various social networks. In order to be effective in Telegram, as one of the most important social networks in Iran, we need to be aware of the standards and laws that govern it.

In this section, we examine the mechanisms defined in the Telegram channel that can lead people to more professional activities. This will help you to choose the right strategy and develop your business in a short period of time.


What is content production in Telegram?

A specialized process in producing the right content for your channel that will make your significant progress

How much does content production on Telegram help us?

It is safe to say that the most important part of your progress depends on your content

Is content production free or costly?

By reading this article, you can produce content for free